Narcotics Anonymous Online Live Video Fellowship

Narcotics Anonymous Live Video Meetings

New to NA?

Newcomer Workshop Every Tuesday

Are you new to Narcotics Anonymous and want a better understanding of how the fellowship works?

Heard something at a meeting that you didn’t quite understand? Confused about total abstinence from all drugs or what is a Higher Power?
Not sure how to ask someone to be your sponsor?

All kinds of questions and more are answered at the NA live Newcomers workshop. 

The workshop is held every Tuesday evening, at 9 p.m. ET and held on the ITR website.

Social Media Platform Disclaimer

The NA Live video group is not affiliated with the Social Media Platform we use to hold our meetings.   However, you will need to create an account (no charge to do so) to join the NA Live video meetings the first time you enter the site. After you have done this once, your clicking on our meeting list will take you directly into the NA Live meeting listed.

Donate via Payeezy

In accordance with the 7th tradition, this link donates DIRECTLY to our NA LIVE GROUP BANK Account very securely via Payeezy app which accepts debit and credit cards with minimal fees.